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Learn from History and Prepare for the Future with Jacques Attali's Book A Brief History of the Future: Get the pdf Version Here

A Brief History of the Future Jacques Attali pdf 44

Have you ever wondered what our world will look like in a hundred years? Will there be peace or war, prosperity or poverty, democracy or dictatorship? How will technology, ecology, culture, and politics shape our future? And how can we prepare for it?

A Brief History Of The Future Jacques Attali Pdf 44

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If you are interested in these questions, you might want to read A Brief History of the Future, a best-selling book by Jacques Attali, a world-renowned economist and political adviser. In this book, Attali predicts how our world will evolve in the coming decades and centuries, based on his analysis of history, economics, sociology, and philosophy. He offers a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century, exploring its opportunities and dangers.

In this article, we will give you an overview of Attali's book, its main themes and arguments, its strengths and weaknesses, and its relevance for today's world. We will also show you how you can access the pdf version of the book online for free.

A Very Long History

The first part of Attali's book is titled A Very Long History. In this part, he traces the evolution of human civilization from prehistory to the present. He identifies three political orders that have shaped history: ritual, imperial, and mercantile.

The ritual order is based on religion and tradition. It emerged in ancient times with the first human societies. It was characterized by a strong hierarchy, a rigid division of labor, a sacred conception of time and space, and a cyclical view of history. The ritual order dominated most of human history until it was challenged by new forces.

The imperial order is based on military power and conquest. It emerged in classical times with the rise of empires such as Rome, China, Persia, India, and Islam. It was characterized by a centralized authority, a territorial expansion, a secular conception of time and space, and a linear view of history. The imperial order reached its peak in modern times with the colonial empires of Europe.

The mercantile order is based on economic power and trade. It emerged in medieval times with the development of commerce, banking, and technology. It was characterized by a decentralized network, a global exchange, a rational conception of time and space, and a progressive view of history. The mercantile order became dominant in contemporary times with the advent of capitalism.

Within the mercantile order, Attali distinguishes nine cores of capitalism that have emerged since the 12th century. Each core has its own world center, its own mode of production, its own ideology, and its own challenges. The nine cores are:


World Center

Mode of Production



1. Italian City-States

Venice, Genoa, Florence

Maritime Trade


Ottoman Empire, Black Death

2. Flanders and the Hanseatic League

Bruges, Antwerp, Hamburg

Textile Industry


Spanish Empire, Religious Wars

3. Holland


Financial Capitalism


British Empire, French Revolution

4. United Kingdom


Industrial Capitalism


German Empire, World War I

5. United States of America

New York

Consumer Capitalism


Soviet Union, World War II

6. Japan and the Asian Tigers

Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore

Cognitive Capitalism


China, Financial Crisis

The last three cores are still emerging and have not yet reached their full potential. They are:

7. China and India Beijing, Shanghai, Mumbai Cultural Capitalism Nationalism Africa, Climate Change

8. Africa and Latin America Lagos, Sao Paulo, Mexico City Social Capitalism Multiculturalism Poverty, Corruption

9. Nomadic Capitalism Cyberspace Digital Capitalism Cosmopolitanism Terrorism, Pandemics

A Brief History of Capitalism

The second part of Attali's book is titled A Brief History of Capitalism. In this part, he analyzes the current state of capitalism and its challenges. He argues that capitalism is reaching its limits and facing a major crisis that will determine its future.

The crisis is caused by the end of the American empire and the rise of new powers. Attali claims that the United States is losing its economic, political, and cultural hegemony in the world. It is challenged by China and India, which are becoming the new centers of production and consumption. It is also challenged by Japan and the Asian Tigers, which are becoming the new centers of innovation and knowledge. It is also challenged by Africa and Latin America, which are becoming the new centers of diversity and creativity.

The crisis is also caused by the emergence of three waves of the future that will shape the twenty-first century. Attali describes these waves as planetary empire, planetary war, and planetary democracy.

The first wave of the future is planetary empire. This wave is dominated by hypermarkets and networks that control the global economy. It is characterized by a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few corporations and individuals. It is also characterized by a standardization of culture and consumption in the name of efficiency and profit.

```html A Brave and Controversial Look at the Twenty-First Century

The third part of Attali's book is titled A Brave and Controversial Look at the Twenty-First Century. In this part, he evaluates his own predictions and their implications for the world. He acknowledges that his vision is not certain or inevitable, but rather a possible scenario based on his interpretation of history and trends. He also recognizes that his vision is not neutral or objective, but rather a reflection of his values and hopes.

Attali's book has been praised and criticized by many readers and reviewers. Some of the main strengths and weaknesses of his book are:



- It offers a comprehensive and original perspective on history and the future.

- It relies on a deterministic and linear view of history that ignores complexity and contingency.

- It provides a rich and diverse source of information and insights on various topics and regions.

- It makes sweeping generalizations and simplifications that overlook nuances and differences.

- It challenges conventional wisdom and provokes critical thinking and debate.

- It makes bold and controversial claims that are not always supported by evidence or logic.

- It inspires optimism and action for a better future.

- It ignores or downplays the role of human agency and choice in shaping the future.

Attali's book has many implications and recommendations for readers and policymakers. Some of them are:

- To be aware of the historical forces and trends that shape our world and to anticipate their consequences. - To be open to new ideas and opportunities that emerge from globalization and innovation. - To be critical of the dominant models and paradigms of capitalism and democracy that may not serve our interests or values. - To be responsible for our actions and their impact on the environment and society. - To be active in creating and supporting alternative forms of organization and governance that promote human rights, solidarity, and creativity. Conclusion

In conclusion, A Brief History of the Future by Jacques Attali is a fascinating book that explores how our world will evolve in the coming decades and centuries. It traces the evolution of human civilization from prehistory to the present, identifies three political orders that have shaped history, distinguishes nine cores of capitalism that have emerged since the 12th century, analyzes the current state of capitalism and its challenges, predicts three waves of the future that will shape the twenty-first century, evaluates its own predictions and their implications for the world, and offers recommendations for readers and policymakers.

If you are interested in reading this book, you can access the pdf version online for free. You can find it on DocDroid or You can also buy it on Amazon or other online platforms.

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new. We invite you to share your thoughts and opinions on Attali's book and its ideas. What do you think about his predictions? Do you agree or disagree with them? Why? How do you imagine the future? What can we do to make it better?

Thank you for reading this article. We hope it inspired you to think about the future and to take action for it.


Who is Jacques Attali?

Jacques Attali is a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser, and senior civil servant. He was born in 1943 in Algeria. He studied at École Polytechnique, École des Mines, École Nationale d'Administration, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, Paris Dauphine University, Sorbonne University, London School of Economics, Harvard University, Princeton University, Yale University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Stanford University, University of California Berkeley (UC Berkeley), University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and University of Tokyo. He has written more than 80 books on various topics, including economics, politics, history, culture, and philosophy. He has advised several French presidents, including François Mitterrand and Emmanuel Macron. He was the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development from 1991 to 1993. He is the founder and president of Positive Planet, a non-profit organization that promotes social entrepreneurship and microfinance. He is also the president of PlaNet Finance, an international non-governmental organization that supports microfinance institutions. He is a member of the French Academy and the European Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has received many awards and honors, including the Legion of Honour, the Order of Merit, the Grand Cross of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Gregory the Great, the World Entrepreneurship Forum's Entrepreneur for the World Award, and the Prix du Livre d'Économie.

What is A Brief History of the Future about?

A Brief History of the Future is a book by Jacques Attali that predicts how our world will evolve in the coming decades and centuries. It is based on his analysis of history, economics, sociology, and philosophy. It offers a brave and controversial look at the twenty-first century, exploring its opportunities and dangers.

What are the main themes of A Brief History of the Future?

The main themes of A Brief History of the Future are: - The evolution of human civilization from prehistory to the present - The three political orders that have shaped history: ritual, imperial, and mercantile - The nine cores of capitalism that have emerged since the 12th century and their world centers - The current state of capitalism and its challenges - The three waves of the future that will shape the twenty-first century: planetary empire, planetary war, and planetary democracy - The evaluation of Attali's predictions and their implications for the world - The recommendations for readers and policymakers

How can I access the pdf version of A Brief History of the Future online?

You can access the pdf version of A Brief History of the Future online for free on DocDroid or You can also buy it on Amazon or other online platforms.

What are some other books by Jacques Attali?

Some other books by Jacques Attali are: - Noise: The Political Economy of Music - Millennium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order - Labyrinth in Culture and Society: Pathways to Wisdom - A Man of Influence: The Extraordinary Career of S.G. Warburg - The Economic History of the Jewish People - Verbatim: Chronicles of Mitterrand's Years in Power - Gandhi: Non-Violence at Work - A History of Music in Europe - The World in 2030: What Will Be Different? - Africa Will Save Us All 71b2f0854b


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