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T N Manoharan Income Tax Book Free Download 1

For an advanced user, the book is expected to provide the depth while for a novice this book starts from the fundamentals. This book is expected to cater to the needs of an expert and a novice. This series of books starts from the basics for any financial product, defining the product, the way it is structured, the advantages and disadvantages, the different events in the trade cycle and then discusses accounting journal entries that are passed for the same. Also this book shows how the entries get reflected in the general ledger accounts, so as a give a macro level picture for the reader to understand the basics of the effect of such accounting. Last but not the least in importance is the presentation of the results in the final accounts viz., the income statement and balance sheet is also well covered in this book. Thus this series of books is expected to be extremely useful to an expert as well as a novice, not to mention the ever increasing tech consultants who are in great need of such a book.

T N Manoharan Income Tax Book Free Download 1

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