Pencak Silat Techniques Pdf 120 ##VERIFIED##
There are various theories behind the origin of the word Kali that is used in relation to the art. One such belief is that the word comes from tjakalele which is a tribal style of stick-fencing from Indonesia. This idea could have some worth as this style of stick combat does show clear similarities in techniques used within the kali style and the Filipino Mindanao island is very close in proximity to Indonesia. However due to the rarity and age of tjakalele and the unknown elements of kali, it is difficult to see which art influenced the other.
pencak silat techniques pdf 120
Many Filipinos describe the old kalistas (practitioners of kali) as warriors that fought to thedeath, so there could be some connection to the meaning of the word. Kali also means time inBahasa Malaysia and timing is a vital point in silat training. Many instructors will always stressthe importance of timing to move with your opponent and not before or after. This notion is essentialin all forms of combat and often mentioned in boxing circles - fighters must get their rangeand timing for counter punching. So the word kali could relate to the timing aspects of Filipinostick fighting as most of the techniques and drills are performed extremely fast in a lose patternwhere timing is essential otherwise you will get hit.
The local tribes state that to learn Eskapi is the right of passage for the Manuvu tribesmales, much like the practice of Silek for the males in the Minangkabau tribe. And like thepractice of tongkat in Silek, Eskapi is very basic in its moves compared to Kali (Eskrima).There are rumors that Eskapi is nothing more than a Manuvu ritual dance with a bolo(machete) and shield. However many silat systems have been influenced by folk dances,such as the Balinese Bakti Negara silat style that took a lot of movements from Balinesedances and adapted it to combat use.
In the practice of Eskapi, they flank their enemy and sever the arm high before swoopingdown into a crouching low posture similar to a Minang Silek Harimau stance to slice aleg. This weakens and disables the opponent's mobility. Then the Eskapi practitioner continuesto move around their opponent cross leg stepping one over the other, exactly likethe movement used in silat. As they do this move they cut under the arm pit before killingthe enemy with a slash to the neck as they pass beyond them.
This type of movement is almost identical to many silat styles yet for the most part Kali ispracticed in an almost head long front to front engagement. The movement of shiftingthe entire body is limited to back and fourth with a small side step parry but nothing likeflanking past your opponent and beyond them.
If Eskapi is indeed the first version of Kali, this makes more sense in its evolution as asilat form from Indonesia because of its simplicity with only four basic principle moves.Most silat styles have very few core basics and various techniques work off the initialprincipals in variations. Like the silat jungle tribes of Indonesia, the Eskapi practitionersof the Manuvu tribe are said to train on various terrains such as forest foliage, riverstreams and uneven mountain grounds. This makes sense as this is their environment.
The sticks used in kali are traditionally crafted from rattan and are wielded singly or as a pair. The weapons, often used interchangeably and alongside open hand-techniques, vary in design, size, weight, materials and methodology. Kali teaches weapons fighting before bare hand-to-hand combat and this practice also applies in silat, but over time modern teachings have reversed the format for pencak silat. The unarmed aspects in kali have never been as strong as their weapon applications and over the years many unarmed silat movements and techniques have been integrated into the art making it the Philippines style of silat hence kali silat. By doing this they are only continuing to evolve the ancient art that started with the would-be silat warriors of the Srivijaya immigrants. 350c69d7ab