What's New in AmiQuote 4.80.2? A Comprehensive Review
AmiBroker 4.80.2 AmiQuote: A Review of the New Features and Benefits
If you are an AmiBroker user, you may have heard of AmiQuote, a companion program that allows you to download daily and historical quotation data from various free sources on the Internet. AmiQuote is a powerful and flexible tool that can help you get the most out of your data analysis and trading strategies.
AmiBroker 4.80.2 AmiQuote
In this article, we will review the latest version of AmiQuote, 4.80.2, and highlight some of the new features and benefits that it offers. We will also show you how to use AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker and give you some tips and tricks for getting the best results.
What's New in AmiQuote 4.80.2?
AmiQuote 4.80.2 is a major update that brings several improvements and enhancements to the program. Here are some of the main changes that you will notice:
User-definable data sources: This is perhaps the most significant feature of AmiQuote 4.80.2. It allows you to create your own data sources from any web site that delivers quotes in a consumable format (currently CSV). This means that you can access any data source that you want, without waiting for a long development process or relying on built-in sources that may change or become defunct over time.
Data source creation/editing dialog: To create or edit a user-definable data source, you can use a new dialog that lets you specify various parameters and options for your data source, such as name, URL, format, interval, symbols, API key, etc.
Data source import/export: You can also import or export data source definitions from or to XML-based text files with .ADS extension (ADS stands for AmiQuote Data Source). This makes it easy to share your data sources with other users or backup your settings.
Example data source files: To help you get started with user-definable data sources, AmiQuote 4.80.2 comes with some example files in the "DataSources" subfolder under AmiQuote folder. These include data sources for AlphaVantage, Tiingo IEX intraday, and more.
Full documentation: AmiQuote 4.80.2 includes a comprehensive Read Me file that explains all the new features and how to use them in detail.
How to Use AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker?
Using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker is very simple and straightforward. Here are the basic steps that you need to follow:
Download and install AmiQuote 4.80.2: You can download the latest version of AmiQuote from here. You can choose between 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your system requirements.
Select a data source: You can select a data source from the "Source" combo box in AmiQuote main window. You can choose from built-in sources (such as Yahoo Finance) or user-definable sources (such as AlphaVantage) that you have created or imported.
Set the date range and interval: You can set the "From" and "To" dates for your data download using the calendar controls in AmiQuote main window. You can also select the desired interval (such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) from the "Interval" combo box.
Add symbols: You can add symbols to your download list using the "Add" button in AmiQuote main window. You can enter one symbol per line or use wildcards (*) to add multiple symbols at once.
Start download: You can start downloading your data by clicking on the "Start download" button in AmiQuote main window. You will see the progress and status of your download in the list view below.
Import data into AmiBroker: Once your download is complete, you can import your data into AmiBroker using the "File > Import Wizard" menu in AmiBroker main window. You can select the folder where your downloaded files are stored (usually under "C:\Program Files\Amibroker\Amiquote\Data") and follow the wizard steps to import your data into your database.
Tips and Tricks for Getting the Best Results
To get the best results from using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker, here are some tips and tricks that you may find useful:
Check for updates regularly: To make sure that you are using the latest version of AmiQuote with all the bug fixes and enhancements, you should check for updates regularly using the "Help > Check for updates" menu in AmiQuote main window.
Use API keys when required: Some user-definable data sources may require an API key to authorize your access to their data service. You can obtain an API key from their web site (usually for free or for a small fee) and enter it in the "API key" field of your data source definition dialog.
Adjust format files if needed: Some user-definable data sources may have different formats or layouts for their CSV output than what is expected by AmiBroker importer. In such cases, you may need to adjust the format files (.fmt) in the "Formats" subfolder under AmiQuote folder to match their output structure.
Use Javascript post-processing functions if needed: Some user-definable data sources may have complex or non-standard output formats that cannot be easily parsed by CSV importer (such as JSON). In such cases, you can use Javascript post-processing functions to transform their output into a standard CSV format that can be imported by AmiBroker.
Share your data sources with others: If you have created or imported a useful user-definable data source that you think others may benefit from, you can share it with other users by exporting it to an .ADS file and posting it on AmiBroker Community Forum.
AmiQuote 4.80.2 is a great addition to your AmiBroker toolkit that allows you to download daily and historical quotation data from various free sources on the Internet with ease and flexibility. It also enables you to create your own data sources from any web site that delivers quotes in a consumable format (currently CSV). By using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker, you can get access to any data source that you want and perform advanced analysis and trading strategies on them.
If you want to learn more about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or download it now, please visit this page. If you have any questions or feedback about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or user-definable data sources, please feel free to post them on AmiBroker Community Forum.
What are the Benefits of AmiQuote 4.80.2?
AmiQuote 4.80.2 offers many benefits to AmiBroker users who want to download and analyze data from various sources. Here are some of the main advantages of using AmiQuote 4.80.2:
Free and reliable data: AmiQuote 4.80.2 allows you to download data from free sources such as Yahoo Finance, which provide reliable and comprehensive data for thousands of symbols across different markets and exchanges.
Customizable and flexible data: AmiQuote 4.80.2 allows you to create your own data sources from any web site that delivers quotes in a consumable format (currently CSV). This means that you can customize your data according to your needs and preferences, such as choosing the fields, intervals, symbols, etc.
Easy and fast data import: AmiQuote 4.80.2 allows you to import your downloaded data into AmiBroker with just a few clicks using the Import Wizard. You can also automate the download and import process using command line parameters or batch files.
Compatible and integrated with AmiBroker: AmiQuote 4.80.2 is designed to work seamlessly with AmiBroker, the leading technical analysis software for Windows. You can use AmiQuote 4.80.2 to download data for any symbol that is supported by AmiBroker, and use AmiBroker to perform advanced analysis and trading strategies on them.
How to Get Started with AmiQuote 4.80.2?
If you are interested in using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker, here are the steps that you need to take:
Download and install AmiBroker: If you don't have AmiBroker already, you can download it from here. You can choose between Standard, Professional or Ultimate Pack Pro editions depending on your features and budget requirements.
Download and install AmiQuote 4.80.2: You can download the latest version of AmiQuote from here. You can choose between 32-bit or 64-bit version depending on your system requirements.
Select a data source: You can select a data source from the "Source" combo box in AmiQuote main window. You can choose from built-in sources (such as Yahoo Finance) or user-definable sources (such as AlphaVantage) that you have created or imported.
Set the date range and interval: You can set the "From" and "To" dates for your data download using the calendar controls in AmiQuote main window. You can also select the desired interval (such as daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) from the "Interval" combo box.
Add symbols: You can add symbols to your download list using the "Add" button in AmiQuote main window. You can enter one symbol per line or use wildcards (*) to add multiple symbols at once.
Start download: You can start downloading your data by clicking on the "Start download" button in AmiQuote main window. You will see the progress and status of your download in the list view below.
Import data into AmiBroker: Once your download is complete, you can import your data into AmiBroker using the "File > Import Wizard" menu in AmiBroker main window. You can select the folder where your downloaded files are stored (usually under "C:\Program Files\Amibroker\Amiquote\Data") and follow the wizard steps to import your data into your database.
Analyze and trade with your data: Once your data is imported into AmiBroker, you can use all the features and functions of AmiBroker to analyze and trade with your data, such as charting, indicators, formulas, backtesting, optimization, scanning, exploration, etc.
AmiQuote 4.80.2 is a must-have tool for any AmiBroker user who wants to download and analyze data from various sources on the Internet with ease and flexibility. It also enables you to create your own data sources from any web site that delivers quotes in a consumable format (currently CSV). By using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker, you can get access to any data source that you want and perform advanced analysis and trading strategies on them.
If you want to learn more about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or download it now, please visit this page. If you have any questions or feedback about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or user-definable data sources, please feel free to post them on AmiBroker Community Forum.
AmiQuote 4.80.2 is a great addition to your AmiBroker toolkit that allows you to download daily and historical quotation data from various free sources on the Internet with ease and flexibility. It also enables you to create your own data sources from any web site that delivers quotes in a consumable format (currently CSV). By using AmiQuote 4.80.2 with AmiBroker, you can get access to any data source that you want and perform advanced analysis and trading strategies on them.
If you want to learn more about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or download it now, please visit this page. If you have any questions or feedback about AmiQuote 4.80.2 or user-definable data sources, please feel free to post them on AmiBroker Community Forum. 4e3182286b