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Levi Watson
Levi Watson

Vx6570 1gbk3-h Driver 17

If you have any other problems please try the NVIDIA X Driver Downloader . This utility will help you by automatically searching the Internet for the most recent version of your NVIDIA device driver. Please note that the NVIDIA X Driver Downloader may not work properly if your computer is running on a dual-processor system.

vx6570 1gbk3-h driver 17

Overall Review: PC Specs: Pentium D 2.99GHZ Dual core 4 GB DDR2 RAM Windows 7 64 Bit As you can tell my specs are not impressive at all but I have had no problems running all new games on it with this card. There are a few that lag on max settings but disappears if I lower the resolution a tad. Games Tested and results: Aliens Colonial Marines - Max settings with no lag Assassins Creed - Brotherhood - Max settings with no lag Assassins Creed - Revelations - Max settings with no lag Assassins Creed III - Max settings with very minor lag Batman Arkham City - Max settings with no lag Bioshock 1 and 2 - Max settings with no lag Borderlands 2 - Max settings with minor lag Crysis - Max settings with minor lag Deus Ex Human Revolution - Max settings with no lag DmC Devil may Cry - Max settings with no lag Driver San Francisco - Max settings with no lag F.E.A.R. 3 - Max settings with no lag Fable III - Max settings with minor lag Far Cry 3 - Max settings with very minor lag Hitman Absolution - Max settings with no lag L.A. Noire - Max settings with considerable lag (Rockstar Games like this and GTA IV usually always have to tweaked even on high end systems) Mass Effect 1-3 - Max settings with no lag Mercenaries 2 - Max settings with no lag Need for Speed - Most Wanted(2012) - Max settings with minor lag Prototype 2 - Max settings with considerable lag RAGE - Max settings with minor lag and popping in textures Elder Scrolls Skyrim - Max settings with very minor lag Max Payne 3 - Max settings with no lag Risen 2 - Max settings with no lag It will RUN ANY GAME and if you get any lag or stutters I would suggest just turning down the resolution or the graphic options a tad.


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